
From Greek origins, diakonia's primary meaning is to serve. It's about sharing what we have with our neighbours. It's about being a voice for those who are suffering, assisting them in the context and values. The greek word Diakonia's has as primary goal service. It's about sharing what we have with our neighbour. It's about being a voice for those who are suffering, assisting them in context and values.
DIAKONIA IN ACTION: The children of Mesaje in joy and happiness. Ninety-five (95) children from all over the town of Mesaje, Donga Mantung department, came to benefit from gifts (notebooks, ballpoint pens and many other goodies) brought by Diakonia, the charitable arm of YALEF - CAMEROON. These children, accustomed to suffering and lack of affection since the hideous war that has been raging in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon for almost six years now, have found life and comfort in the benevolent and consoling action of the members of Diakonia, monitors and practitioners of "Truman healing". Beyond the physical gifts, the Diakonia team nurtured these children around the theme: "Jesus' love for children". This theme was inspired by the book of Mark in chapter 10, verses 13-16; an invitation for the children to turn their eyes to Jesus and trust Him
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